Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Delusions of 2006: Appeasement and Denial

Understanding The Times
Weekly E-update By Jan Markell

Rodney King said a decade ago, "Can't we all just get along?" People of no faith or little faith go along with that line of thinking. In other words, if we are nice to our enemies, they will like us. If we appease the enemy, they will be won over. We can get the most bitter enemy to cooperate if we say and do the things that make them happy and thus live in denial and the appeasement mode.

The Bible warns a lot about deception and delusion in the last days. Jesus warned of it on the Mt. of Olives in an end-time discourse so all of this is to be expected.

We have raging delusions going on today, and for that matter, also in the 20th century. A vast majority of politicians and statesmen believe that "negotiations" and "sanctions" against evil regimes will get them to cooperate. Most notably today that would include Iran and North Korea. Thus the U.N. and other agencies debate and pass worthless resolutions because they won't come to terms with the blatant fact that some nations and leaders are so evil they are laughing at the West for our naivete.

Here are just a few examples of denial, delusion, and appeasement in recent weeks and years:

We looked the other way when terrorists struck our interests in the 1990's because we didn't want to risk upsetting the economy or face reality. We were in an appeasement mode most of the 1990s.

Yaser Arafat, now in his eternal home which isn't what he expected, received the Nobel peace prize. As with the Oslo Accords, this was throwing pearls before swine with the appeasement/denial sentiment believing the tiger could change his stripes even though the Palestinian charter stated then and now that Israel must be wiped off the map.

This past summer a dozen Muslim students came to America to attend a college in Montana. Few made it and the school had the courage to call the FBI because most of the students never made it to the Montana state line. They spread out all over the country. The issue was dismissed due to appeasement and denial.

Also last summer young Muslim males were found with hundreds of cell phones--a terrorist's delight. They also had a picture of a prominent bridge in Michigan. Nonetheless, they were released as harmless young men due to appeasement and denial.

America appeased Hamas and let them run in Palestinian elections last year. They won and now Israel, who went along with this, is deeply embroiled in more conflict than ever thanks in part to American pressure to allow Hamas to be appeased.

In August Mike Wallace of "60 Minutes" interview Mahmoud Achmad"genocide" (Achmadinejad) and gave a glowing report about the dictator and psychotic with "messianic visions." This may have been the ultimate in appeasement and denial and likely seduced a lot of Westerners that Achmadinejad could be negotiated with and reasoned with; in other words, appeased.

Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 and Lebanon in 2000, in part to appease and because they are in delusion that giving up land will actually bring about peace. It doesn't work when the enemy really wants you dead and is laughing at your appeasement.

Terror cells abound in America and are waiting for a phone call. Truth-tellers such as Steve Emerson and others are treated poorly and have their work censored so we can appease and live in denial.

Saudi Arabia is called our "good ally." Yet they stack every American mosque with Wahabbi literature. Worse yet, they refuse to allow us to place a church on their soil. Believers meet in secret.

The White House and State Department say that the PA leader, Mahmoud Abbas, is a "moderate." They say he is committed to peace and a "two state solution." They don't monitor his words to the Arab world, just the Western world. And we have short memories. He financed the 1972 slaughter of Israeli athletes in Munich. Nonetheless, he's the missing peace partner we've been waiting for in search of a solution to the Palestinian issue.

You get the picture. Don't despair as these things are predicted and are coming to pass as the writers of the Bible foretold. Get Luke 21:28 embedded in your mind: "When you see these things begin to happen, look up and know your Redeemer draws nigh."


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