Thursday, December 14, 2006

Modern day Gog and Magog

Similarities between Ezekiel's prophecies, today's Mideast reality uncanny.

Ines EhrlichCurrent world events are beginning to increasingly resemble the 2,500 year old bible prophecy made by Ezekiel in chapters 38-39. Ezekiel foresaw the rise of Russia (or Turkey, depending on the interpretation) in a coalition with Iran and other Middle Eastern countries (Sudan, Ethiopia and Libya).

The coalition is foretold to attack Israel from the north in a bid to destroy it during the earth's "last days," commonly known as the "war of Gog and Magog."

Throughout history it was thought that the prophecy had been put on hold, until perhaps today when it seems frighteningly more feasible.

In Joel C. Rosenberg's book "The Ezekiel Option," the author points to Ezekiel's prophecies in chapters 36-37, which have largely come true.

Rosenberg then asks the obvious question: If prophecies such as "the rebirth of the State of Israel, the return of the Jews to the Holy Land after centuries in exile, the re-blossoming of desolate desert land to produce abundant food, fruit and foliage, and the creation of an exceedingly great army" materialized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, then why shouldn't the next prophecies come true in our lifetime?

Let's try and place the biblical names and locations into today's reality, and see the parallel unfolding of events:

Gog is commonly believed to represent a person's name rather than a place, a tyrannical leader who may hatch an evil plan – in today's reality this "honor" could be most suited to the President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, or perhaps Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon .

Magog, according to some scholars, refers to Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union, or perhaps Turkey. Others will argue that the exact location has not been fully ascertained and that the word Magog may simply be a generalization for an enemy of Israel, leaving the location open.

Under attack

According to the prophecy in question, "many peoples with you" who will attack along "the mountains of Israel" implies that other countries will be involved in the Russian (or Turkish), Iranian, Sudanese, Ethiopian and Libyan coalition, and who border on the mountains of Israel. This includes Lebanon, Syria and possibly Jordan as well.

Is it so farfetched to imagine the axis between Hizbullah, Iran and Syria, especially after the second war in Lebanon when these three forces overtly united and continue to support each other's goal to destroy Israel?

In his book, Rosenberg notes a conspicuous absence of Egypt and Iraq in the original prophecy, which also makes a lot of sense at this point in time. Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979 and Iraq is embroiled in its own war of survival and both are unlikely to join a coalition against Israel.

According to the prophecy Magog "will build a military coalition and prepare a strike against Israel." Gog "will use overwhelming force against Israel" - could this be referring to nuclear force? And his coalition will "come like a storm…like a cloud covering the land."

But let's not become hysterical. According to the prophecy, there is no need for Israel to become alarmed, "as the Lord God will bring judgment upon the enemies of Israel beginning with Gog (the tyrant)."

Ezekial prophesizes a great earthquake and the turning of Gog's forces against each other. The next step, which prophesizes God subjecting the enemy to "pestilence, blood, torrential rains, hailstones and fire from heaven," is unclear and sounds like someone pressed the nuclear button, and if so, then who, and who in the region would survive it?

But as in all happy endings, Israel, it is prophesized, will regain its economic prosperity.
So the question remains: Should we wait for future developments and hope for the best, or look more closely at Ezekiel's prophecy and consider preemptive action to stop what may be seen as an imminent threat rising from the "anti-Israel coalition?"

With this said, Ezekiel's prophecy says nothing about an Israeli pre-emptive strike to avert a possible attack – and indeed, it appears such a strike is unlikely considering the current state of our dubious, weak leadership.

Ines Ehrlich is an editor at Ynetnews

Personal note: Even secular non-Christian writers are writing about the coming Gog-Magog war as prophesied in the bible. If bible prophecies concerning Israel did come true, how much more prophecies regarding Jesus as the Christ & His soon second coming? Yes, Ezek. 38 will come true as God is God. The writer tries to imply a pre-emptive attack to avert the possible Gog-Magog attack but I think none will be carried out. I don't know for what reason (maybe others might know) but I guess Syria must be destroyed first. I guess Iran will fight thru Syria & Hizbollah etc first, trying to draw Israel into war. Then Israel will use devastating force on Syria & be subject to criticism by UN. Maybe that's why Israel won't be able to pre-empt Iran. Maybe US is kept busy with a terrorist attack or something. I guess the time is very ripe with Iran's Presidential madman going crazy & spouting insanity for the Gog-Magog war. But it will be Iran & her allies that suffer not Israel. God will come to her rescue even if US abandons her. God bless Israel! Amen!


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