Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Hope That is in You

In Defense of the Faith
Monday, November 06, 2006
Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor

The Bible divides the world into four regional power blocs in the last days. The western alliance [the Revived Roman empire of antichrist - Dan 9:26], the 'kings of the south' [Africa and Islamic North Africa - Dan 11:40] the 'kings of the east [China and Southeast Asia -Rev 16:12] the Gog-Magog alliance [Russian-Arab-Islamic alliance - Ezekiel 38-39].

The Bible also outlines a specific scenario for the last days, giving detailed descriptions of these four global spheres of influence.

Currently, there are five. Four of them are in a state of flux, realigning themselves, almost against reason in some cases, to conform to the scenario outlined by Scripture.

The fifth, the United States, grows increasingly isolated. Washington is so lonely it has gone into denial, sometimes even pretending it has real friends.

For full article: http://www.omegaletter.com/articles.asp?ArticleID=5992


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