Italy looking to activate the EU in the Middle East?
by Michael G. Mickey
Recently, I've commented on a new peace initiative that has materialized which we may have been hearing was in the works for some time now - an EU-led alternative to the Quartet's roadmap to peace. This is an intriguing development because we're told, in Daniel 9:26-27, that a prince (or leader) of Roman descent is going to confirm (or make strong) a covenant of peace in the Middle East that will be precisely seven years in length. The prince (or leader) I'm referring to will be the prophesied Antichrist - a deceiver whose actions will make him seem a hero in the eyes of the entire world, especially in the EU where he will rapidly ascend to holding tremendous power over the entire world. And his seven-year covenant of peace which we're told will be supported by a cast of "many"? It will mark the beginning of the prophesied seven-year Tribulation Period - the literal countdown to Jesus Christ's visible, physical, bodily return to the earth!
In what I can't help but find a bit of a chilling development in light of the prophet Daniel's predictions concerning the advent of the Antichrist, a Kuwait News Agency article dated 11-19-06 is quoting Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi as saying Italy is seeking "to activate the role of the UN and Europe in the Middle East, as both sides are fundamental in the multi-lateral mechanism for peace."
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Personal note: Finally another effort at the peace covenant between Israel & EU the beast kingdom. This time it's a new type of treaty being intiated by Italy primarily, ancient Roman capital. Are we seeing it already? Will this be it? 2007 is a great year to watch out for. Of all things the rapture & the advent of the Antichrist & 7 yr tribulation. I pray that Jesus comes quickly for the sake of the elect or there will be none left. I pray we will all be raptured up if possible.
Recently, I've commented on a new peace initiative that has materialized which we may have been hearing was in the works for some time now - an EU-led alternative to the Quartet's roadmap to peace. This is an intriguing development because we're told, in Daniel 9:26-27, that a prince (or leader) of Roman descent is going to confirm (or make strong) a covenant of peace in the Middle East that will be precisely seven years in length. The prince (or leader) I'm referring to will be the prophesied Antichrist - a deceiver whose actions will make him seem a hero in the eyes of the entire world, especially in the EU where he will rapidly ascend to holding tremendous power over the entire world. And his seven-year covenant of peace which we're told will be supported by a cast of "many"? It will mark the beginning of the prophesied seven-year Tribulation Period - the literal countdown to Jesus Christ's visible, physical, bodily return to the earth!
In what I can't help but find a bit of a chilling development in light of the prophet Daniel's predictions concerning the advent of the Antichrist, a Kuwait News Agency article dated 11-19-06 is quoting Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi as saying Italy is seeking "to activate the role of the UN and Europe in the Middle East, as both sides are fundamental in the multi-lateral mechanism for peace."
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Personal note: Finally another effort at the peace covenant between Israel & EU the beast kingdom. This time it's a new type of treaty being intiated by Italy primarily, ancient Roman capital. Are we seeing it already? Will this be it? 2007 is a great year to watch out for. Of all things the rapture & the advent of the Antichrist & 7 yr tribulation. I pray that Jesus comes quickly for the sake of the elect or there will be none left. I pray we will all be raptured up if possible.

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