Saturday, January 06, 2007

We need to be part of EU and NATO

The following is the first Jpost blog central post by Minister of Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman. It is part of a soon-to-be launched feature that provides prominent politicians from across the political spectrum an opportunity to debate the hot issues on their own personal blog.

In my very first political science lecture in the Hebrew University in the early 1980s, I was taught that international politics were governed by State interests. In all my years in Israeli politics and as a third-time minister, I have yet to see this theory implemented in Israel.

I believe it was Henry Kissinger who once said that Israel has no foreign policy, only domestic. The sad reality of today is that the State of Israel has never defined, and rarely acted in accordance with its national interests. The few examples I can think of include Israel going to war over the Egyptian nationalization of the Suez Canal and restriction of Israeli marine traffic in 1956, the 1981 attack against the Iraqi nuclear facility and the 1995 peace agreement with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

I have recently suggested that it is in Israel's national interest to join the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The world today is a less hospitable place to our democracy. The second half of the twentieth century witnessed a world divided over economic doctrines and political thought. I myself was born in Moldova, a country taken over by the Soviet Union in 1944, and spent my childhood under the rule of a harsh totalitarian regime (until my family made aliya in 1978, when I was 20 years old).

More at: Link

Personal note: Could this be positioning Israel for the the peace covenant with the Antichrist who most probably will come out of EU? EU & NATO are playing a big role now in the Middle East. It's interesting to hear Israeli politicians wanting Israel to be part of EU for their own safety's sake. See? Peace & safety and all will be caught suddenly! It's foolish to trust in human arm. It's better for Israel to trust in their God who is also our God. But all this happens as prophesied in the bible. Many Israelis are still blind to what is going to happen. I pray Jesus comes back soon or no elect can be saved.


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