Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Identity Of The Antichrist

His name is Maitreya. But he will use many names like Mahdi for the Islamists, Krishna to the Hindus & other religion's spiritual leaders. He will likely appear after the pre-trib rapture of Christians to confuse & delude the world. Attached is a web page abt the Maitreya or Antichrist. His name adds up to 666 in hebrew. Interesting link. Click:

Another link about the Maitreya & the New Age religion by the ascended masters (or rather demons in disguise):

Maitreya the World Teacher (a.k.a. The Christ) - As he allegedly appeared in Kenya in 1988. Creme claims that Maitreya created and inhabited a human body in 1977, and privately entered society taking up residence in London. Since then he is alleged to have privately appeared to thousands of individuals, performing miracles and wonders and convincing many of the truth of his mission. (Wayne S. Peterson is one influential casualty, as is Mikhail Gorbachev.)

A website by Benjamin Creme promoting the coming of the Maitreya (Antichrist to Christians but saviour to New Agers) :


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