Saturday, October 21, 2006


By John R. Funk

There are a lot of people out there who display this attitude: What? Me Worry? Why should I? When they speak in these terms, it concerns the return of Jesus Christ to this earth to "rapture" or "snatch away" His believers. These individuals rightfully believe that Jesus will return whether or not they are looking for Him. They maintain that the Rapture of the saints will happen, if it happens, when God ordains and not before then.

Each of these statements is absolutely true upon its face so why do some people seem to be consumed by the idea of looking for Christ's return and anticipate that it could happen at any time? Isn't this just a big waste of time and effort? Why would reasonable, intelligent people spend their valuable time and money trying to persuade others that Jesus is coming soon and that they need to be prepared? More than just being prepared for His coming, these people scan the newspapers trying to tie world events to end times prophecies and actually want others to spend their time looking for the return of Jesus Christ. Are these people deluded, brainwashed or just hopeful that Someone will extricate them from the causes and concerns of life? In the meantime, aren't they failing to make the most out of life and bothering other good people who need to be living life to its fullest?

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