Ecosystem In Birth Pangs
The world went into ecological debt on 9 Oct this year. That is the biodiversity of plants & animals cannot replace quickly enough & they are lost due to overwhelming consumption by humans. It has now gotten much worse. We might need 2 planets' supply of food & resources by 2050. Pls see BBC report:
Global ecosystems 'face collapse'

Greater demand for land is threatening species' long-term survival (WWF-Canon/Michel Gunther)
Current global consumption levels could result in a large-scale ecosystem collapse by the middle of the century, environmental group WWF has warned.
I wonder how bad still it can get before the tribulation. I pray God will preserve the earth. I guess the satanic Illuminati or elite will try to reduce population by artificial means like wars, diseases, poverty etc. I heard they can even control the weather by satellite etc. I guess they might just start tsunamis, earthquakes, famines etc. Maybe one goal of the Great Trib is to reduce the earth's population drastically & guess what? It's prophesied in Revelations!
Rev.9:18 "18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed--by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths."
I guess a third means more than 2 billion people out of more than 6 billion. Wow! That's a lot! And there is further destruction prophesied. I won't quote so pls read for yourself. Pls pray if u can for the world. Thanks & God bless!
Global ecosystems 'face collapse'

Greater demand for land is threatening species' long-term survival (WWF-Canon/Michel Gunther)
Current global consumption levels could result in a large-scale ecosystem collapse by the middle of the century, environmental group WWF has warned.
I wonder how bad still it can get before the tribulation. I pray God will preserve the earth. I guess the satanic Illuminati or elite will try to reduce population by artificial means like wars, diseases, poverty etc. I heard they can even control the weather by satellite etc. I guess they might just start tsunamis, earthquakes, famines etc. Maybe one goal of the Great Trib is to reduce the earth's population drastically & guess what? It's prophesied in Revelations!
Rev.9:18 "18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed--by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths."
I guess a third means more than 2 billion people out of more than 6 billion. Wow! That's a lot! And there is further destruction prophesied. I won't quote so pls read for yourself. Pls pray if u can for the world. Thanks & God bless!
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