I am sure Christians anywhere who really want to live for Jesus will have faced one persecution or another. I have had family n friends accuse me of being unrealistic, escapist, judgmental, lazy, useless, mad, n the list goes on and on. Why? Bcos i said there is a Resurrection n eternal life for those who trust in Christ's saving blood. Didn't Festus the Roman official also said Apostle Paul was
mad bcos of his great learning in Acts? Nearly all of Paul's friends left him loving this world more than Jesus as written in his epistles. Others tried to kill him n in fact, he was killed once n went to heaven where he saw things that are too holy to be uttered, but came back to life after Christians prayed over his dead body. Do u see what happens to those who r really sincere?
Secular people n psychiatrists will tell me, i have a mental disorder n need to take medication. Prob schizophrenia or depression, as these r the two most common. They will think i m suicidal or crazy n having hallucinations. Have some of u faced this before? Don't be discouraged, as God is with you. He will never leave u nor forsake u bcos u love His commandments to love Jesus Christ n die for Him. Pray that God will touch this people's hearts with Christ's love instead of their hatred. They r not against us but against God as in Psalms 2:1-3, "Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? etc.." They will face the laughter of God n His anger. Surely this generation will by no means pass away until all these things r fulfilled (ie. the judgment).
Are u lonely now? Are you in need of God's healing n friendship? Turn to Jesus. Pray to Him n cry out to God in Jesus' name. He knows your hurts before u say them. Complain as much as u want in His presence but then calm down n listen to His still small voice. Learn to forgive those who have hurt u. Let go n weep if u need to. Jesus wept also for us all n the whole world in fact. Know that Christ also faced the same temptation n persecution n much worse than us-
The Cross! He is coming again for us n it's very soon now. Listen to what Jesus said to the church in Philadelphia (Rev.3:7-13) - "...I know your works. See I have set before u an open door, n no one can shut it; for u have a little strength, have kept My word, n have not denied My name...Bcos u have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep u from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I m coming quickly! Hold fast what u have, that no one may take your crown..." Could this be the first pre-trib rapture for those who r weak n yet not deny Jesus? He knows what we can bear n He will with every temptation provide a way of escape. Praise n thank you Lord! Have mercy on us!