Friday, November 18, 2005

'Temple' to be built in the North of Israel

'Temple' to be built in the north

A 25-meter-tall (82 feet) replica of Solomon's temple in ancient Jerusalem to be built in northern city of Kiryat Shemoneh. Project will cost 8 million dollars to build, become main feature of city's Bible World amusement park Eitan Glickman

Not quite the Third Temple, but close: Entrepreneurs in the northern city of Kiryat Shemoneh are making plans to build a "Holy Temple" as part of a soon-to-be established Bible World amusement park.

House of God

Exclusive: Temple Mount tour / Ynet reporters
Ynetnews presents rare, exclusive video of holy site, currently closed to Jews, after Israeli able to sneak camcorder into Mount. Prominent archeologist who watched video says Muslim renovation did not damage shrine
Full Story

Like the original in Jerusalem, the model structure will tower over its surroundings, reaching a height of 25 meters (82 feet) and will be an exact replica of Solomon's temple on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE.

"Time tunnels" will offer descriptions of the different periods of Jewish history, and will lead visitors to the main hall, which will feature murals depicting Biblical stories.
Visitors will also have the opportunity to "meet" three heroes of the Bible: Abraham, Moses and King David.

Is the Bible 'disappearing' from consciousness?

Overseeing the project is Chabad rabbi of Kiryat Shemoneh, Yigal Tsipori, who toured the site Wednesday with Mayor Chaim Barbibai and other local rabbis. "The 'Book of Books,' the cradle of Jewish civilization, is increasingly disappearing from our national consciousness. Limited study is no longer sufficient to attract young people of today to the Bible and its values. Therefore, there is a great need for this initiative," said Tsipori.
"The 'Temple' will use 3-D movies and other tools to show young people just how things worked in the Holy Temple and just what the priests (Cohanim) did," he added.

The park will also feature a Biblical textile mill and wine press, and will host Bar and Bat Mitzvah receptions.

400,000 visitors expected

The park's founders say they hope to attract 400,000 visitors annually to the park, including local Israeli youths and young people from the Diaspora.
The project, to be located near the Nehemia Mall in Kiryat Shemoneh, is expected to cost USD 8 million (NIS 38 million) and employ several dozen workers.
Several donors have already been lined up to fund the project.

(11.17.05, 15:05)

My notes:

Christians, pls pray for all our souls & loved ones. The temple is going to be built & I tell u, it's not a tourism gimmick. There's something more sinister to it. Notice they are going to use 3D movies & holograms to show ancient life. What will happen if they show a fake Messiah thru 3D holograph, that happens to speak like a real man, with powers like a real Messiah?

Remember in Revelations, those who don't bow down to the image of the beast will be beheaded or burned in the presence of the false prophet & this image can talk?! Could this be what is happening now? Pls pray for mercy on our souls. Pls pray Jesus comes back soon for us to gather us up.

Also they are encouraging sexual promiscuity in the Holy Land. Pls pray that it won't degenerate into Sodom & Gomorrah or Egypt. Pls pray for the Jews to open their eyes & hearts to cry out to Jesus before too late. Pls spread the message around to all Christians you know. God bless u all. Shalom peace on us all! Amen.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Another reason not to live in Singapore? Or San Francisco?

By Larry Pratt November 17, 2005

Many folks have several reasons for not wanting to live in San Francisco. City voters there have just added another ­ they have just voted to ban handguns and require that they be turned in. This is a good law to disobey. After all, the city gun ban violates the state preemption law, not to mention the U.S. Constitution. In other words, the new law is illegal. It is an act of lawlessness.
San Franciscans have shown just how detached from reality is their socialist world view. Their vote to disarm themselves follows on the heels of the lesson that even Bill O’Reilly learned from Katrina. The popular Fox TV host, no gunslinger, he seems to have had an epiphany in the lawlessness (official and otherwise) in New Orleans.

"Once I saw what happened in Hurricane Katrina,” O’Reilly opined. “I said every American household should have a firearm. If there's a tremendous earthquake in San Francisco and looting, you don't want your family protected? You don't want a firearm in your house? You're living in the world of Oz."

It may be asking too much of San Francisco voters, but did they notice the helplessness of the average Frenchman in the face of the French government’s refusal to deal with rioters? The mostly disarmed citizenry could do nothing but watch their cities burn while Muslim thugs chanted “Allahu Akhbar!”

Of course, I may be missing the key factor here. San Franciscans may be visualizing that no natural disaster will take place there ­ such as an earthquake. Will they call 911 at such a time?
Actually, try calling 911 anytime you are being attacked. If you can make the call, you may get to leave a recording of your victimization. Then, when the police come, all they will have to do is clean up the mess.

Will they ever “get it”? Or will they continue to overlook Katrina, Paris, and the lawlessness that terrorizes the residents of Washington, DC and Chicago, IL? They banned guns in those cities, too. If San Francisco’s law were to stay on the books, which it probably will not, they will enter into competition with Washington and Chicago for the dubious distinction of being the crime capital of the country.

© 2005 Larry Pratt - All Rights Reserved
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Larry Pratt has been Executive Director of Gun Owners of America for 27 years. GOA is a national membership organization of 300,000 Americans dedicated to promoting their second amendment freedom to keep and bear arms.

GOA lobbies for the pro-gun position in Washington and is involved in firearm issues in the states. GOA's work includes providing legal assistance to those involved in lawsuits with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the federal firearms law enforcement agency.
Pratt has appeared on numerous national radio and TV programs such as NBC's Today Show, CBS' Good Morning America, CNN's Crossfire and Larry King Live, Fox's Hannity & Colmes, MSNBC's Phil Donahue show and many others. He has debated Congressmen James Traficant, Jr. (D-OH), Charles Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and Vice President Al Gore, among others. His columns have appeared in newspapers across the country.

He published a book, Armed People Victorious, in 1990 and was editor of a book, Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution & Militias, 1995. His latest book, On the Firing Line: Essays in the Defense of Liberty was published in 2001.

Pratt has held elective office in the state legislature of Virginia, serving in the House of Delegates. Pratt directs a number of other public interest organizations and serves as the Vice-Chairman of the American Institute for Cancer Research.

The GOA web site is: Pratt's weekly talk show Live Fire is archived there at:


New Book 'Unhinged' abt bigots in Hollywood, lunatics on college campuses & creeps in liberal blogs

"Unhinged": The latest title from WND star columnist

In Michelle Malkin's new book "Unhinged," the WND columnist provides an
unflinching (and uncensored) look at the Left's foul-mouthed bigots in
Hollywood, its pie-throwing lunatics on college campuses and the creeps in the fetid swamps of the liberal blogosphere.

You can get this hot-off-the-presses new release by Michelle Malkin at 29 percent off from the WND Book Service.

Malkin fearlessly exposes liberals' extensive record of hair-brained attacks on Republican women, people of faith, troops, and veterans. From the grass roots to the top suits, Malkin explains, Democrats have abandoned reasoned arguments and substituted ad hominem attacks and conspiracy theories.

The Left, in short, has gone mad. The holier-than-thou Left has become the CRAZIER-than-thou Left, and needs to be exposed -- for its own good.

In "Unhinged" Michelle Malkin exposes:

* How Democrat Party leaders, their loyal soldiers, and their liberal media allies have all succumbed to the "paranoid style" in American politics – a pathological state of mind marked by "heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy"

* "A worse trauma than 9/11": the waves of acute anxiety, depression,
helplessness, grief, and denial that swept the Left after Bush's re-election

* Paranoid conspiracy theories go mainstream: how activists at Democratic National Committee headquarters in June 2005 handed out documents suggesting Israel was behind 9/11 -- plus other crackpot ideas circulated by the likes of Madeleine Albright and Howard Dean

* Appalling physical attacks and rampant vandalism by Democrats during the 2004 presidential campaign -- and how the mainstream media covered such incidents only when the perpetrators were Republicans

* The liberal columnist who attacked football player-turned-Army Ranger Pat Tillman as an "idiot" and a "sap" in May 2004 after Tillman was killed in action by friendly fire in Afghanistan, and who makes no bones about his contempt for our troops

* Tenured radicals: the University of Colorado professor who called the
victims of 9/11 "Little Eichmanns" and suggested that soldiers in Iraq
should murder their commanding officers -- and a host of other examples

* Leftist college students who faked attacks against themselves in an
attempt to show that conservatives are racist and intolerant

* How racial minorities who embrace conservative ideas are viciously
attacked as "race traitors" or "sellouts" -- and much, much worse

With wit, wisdom, and a bullet-proof vest, Michelle Malkin ruthlessly and raucously skewers the myths of liberal tolerance, peace and civility. "Unhinged" shows how conservatives are driving their opponents mad.

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Monday, November 14, 2005

Letter by Vietnam War Vet who lost son in Iraq

From: Joseph Williams

Fellow Americans:

I'm so very proud of my son who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
He knew the mission was important, and he understood that the war in Iraq was central to the war on terrorism. Sadly, my son (Lance Cpl. Michael Jason Williams) lost his life in combat in this war. My life changed forever when I got a knock at my door, informing me that Michael had been killed in action. My son is my hero. As a father, I can't tell you what a gut-wrenching blow it was, and still is. Not a day goes by I don't think about my child.

But, I want to tell you something: the anti-American, anti-war crowd that pretends to 'support the military, but not the mission' are a pack of liars. Some people, like Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore, have tried to exploit the death of Michael and others who lost their lives in Iraq, in order that they might advance their far-left political agenda. If we don't stand up to the Cindy Sheehans, the Michael Moores and the politicians who are using Michael's death to further their agenda of undermining our military and the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, then Michael Jason Williams' devotion to this great country will be rendered meaningless.

I know from bitter experience. I am a Vietnam veteran. I don't know what is so hard for the people in today's anti-war movement to understand? Radical Islamic extremists are determined to kill Americans and destroy our way of life. In Iraq, the terrorist insurgency is led by a fellow named Zarqawi, his position is the leader of "Al Qaeda in Iraq," yet the anti-war crowd marches through our streets proclaiming that the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war against terrorism. Well, I've had enough of the misguided, anti-military and even anti-American rhetoric from the anti-war crowd. They seem to be rooting for our enemies more than our own troops at times.

So I've decided to help fight back. I've leant my voice and my story – and the story of my son's sacrifice for his nation – to Move America Forward, for them to use in a national radio ad campaign. You can hear the ad here:

Right now we're trying to raise enough money to purchase the time on radio stations around the country to make sure this message is heard. Please, support this effort by making a contribution to help pay for the airtime for this radio commercial. I would be honored to have you help get this message out.

Contribute online here:

Or mail in a contribution to this address:
Move America ForwardATTN: Pro-Troop Holiday Ad FundP.O. Box 1497Sacramento, CA 95812

Thank you for reading my letter.
Sincerely Yours,
Joseph WilliamsVacaville, California

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Today is World Kindness Day (13/11/05)

Excerpts from Our Daily Bread:

Try A Little Kindness

Read: Acts 10:1-8,44-46

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. -Eph. 4:32

Today's ODB is talking abt Cornelius, a 1st century Roman centurion, maintaining order in Judea during the time of the Apostles in Acts. This man was a gentile so wasnt accepted by the Jews but God recognized him as one of His. Cornelius agreed with God abt what was good & he acted accordingly. He feared the one true God, unlike other pagan Romans, gave generously to the poor & needy, & prayed regularly to God.

Bcos of Cornelius' kindness & prayers, God chose him for a special assignment & sent an angel to tell him what to do. The angel didnt explain why but Cornelius followed the instructions. Bcos he obeyed, he & his household became the first Gentile believers to receive the Holy Spirit.

The eg of Conelius reminds us that God not only sees the good we do but is on the lookout for people who share His values. He wants to make them His partners in changing the world.

Today is World Kindness Day. If we follow the eg of Cornelius, perhaps God will use our simple acts of kindness to change our world.

Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

Remember to show compassion to needy ppl & family & friends bcos God has shown us His compassion. If u still dont know God, I just want to tell u He is a good & compassionate God. Forget the many ugly ppl ard u. Forget those who for no reason torture or persecute u. There're many bullies in school & workplace. These unruly ppl will face the consequences when God comes back for Christians who loves to do good to others. Leave it to God to vindicate u. They cannot go scot free for long. The time is now very near to the end of times. If these ppl still dont want to wake up, they will be left behind & swept away when Christ Jesus comes back for us. Meanwhile keep showing kindness whenever u can. God understands your effort. God bless!