Saturday, December 30, 2006

What to Watch in 2007

As the World Rings in a New Year…What Will the Coming Months Bring?


It is the year the European Union turns 50. America commemorates the 400th anniversary of its first settlement in Jamestown, Virginia. Finland hands the EU presidency to Germany for six months. The League of Arab States gathers in Cairo for its annual summit in March, and, as of January 1, Romania and Bulgaria are official members of the EU.

The year 2007 promises to be an eventful one. But what lies ahead? Human beings are not capable of telling or predicting the future—but there is a Source that can!

Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ came as a newscaster, bringing advance news of future events. In the Bible, He describes trends, problems and world conditions of our time now—just prior to His Return: “When you shall see all these things, know that it [Christ’s Second Coming] is near, even at the doors” (Matt. 24:33).

For full article:

Thursday, December 28, 2006

China to Continue Modernizing Military

BEIJING (AP) - China said Friday it will strengthen its military to thwart any attempt by Taiwan to push for independence, but vowed that it was committed to the peaceful development of the world's largest army.

A report issued by the State Council, China's Cabinet, also said the country's defense policy will focus on protecting its borders and sea space, cracking down on terrorism and modernizing its weapons.

"China will not engage in any arms race or pose a military threat to any other country," the 91-page white paper said. "China is determined to remain a staunch force for global peace, security and stability."

The communist nation's 2.3 million-strong military is the world's largest but has been criticized for its lack of transparency about its buildup.

Its reported 2006 budget is $35.3 billion, but analysts believe the true figure, which doesn't include weapons purchases and other key items, is several times higher.

One of Beijing's key short-term goals has been to take a firm stand against any independence efforts by Taiwan, the self-ruled island that the communist mainland claims as part of its territory. It has hundreds of missiles pointed in its direction across the Taiwan Straits.

China has also spent heavily to beef up its arsenal with submarines, jet fighters and other high-tech weapons.

"The struggle to oppose and contain the separatist forces for Taiwan independence and their activities remains a hard one," the report said.

It indirectly criticized the United States for promising Beijing that it will adhere to the "one-China" policy, "but it continues to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan, and has strengthened military ties with Taiwan."

Washington switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1979 but remains Taiwan's major foreign backer, and is committed by law to providing it weapons to defend itself against possible Chinese attack.

China has announced double-digit military spending increases nearly every year since the early 1990s, causing unease among its neighbors.

But despite its huge size, its forces are said to lag well behind those of other major countries. In recent years, leaders have focused on improved training and advanced technology, hoping to close that gap.

"This increase ... is compensatory in nature, and is designed to enhance the originally weak defense foundation," the white paper said. "It is a moderate increase in step with China's national economic development."

It said the Army is speeding up upgrades of battle equipment while the Navy is building up its weaponry and troops. The Air Force is giving priority to the development of new fighters as well as air and missile defense weapons, it said. No details were given.

The report also highlighted what is said was the "growing complexities in the Asia-Pacific security environment."

Washington and Japan are also "strengthening their military alliance in pursuit of operational integration" as Tokyo seeks to revise its constitution and "exercise collective self-defense," the report said.

The move is likely to worry China - a nuclear power and member of the U.N. Security Council - which is still working with Japan to soothe residual bitterness over wartime atrocities.

The report said China "remains firmly committed to the policy of no first-use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances."

All this is taking place with the backdrop of North Korea's first nuclear test, the uncertainty surrounding Iran's nuclear ambitions and continued turbulence in the Middle East, it said.

The also announced the completion of China plan to trim the military by 200,000 to 2.3 million. The cuts, announced in 2003, were aimed at compressing the chain of command and making the army more responsive.

Personal note: China is spending a lot of money on its military. Large amounts of money from its GDP is channeled to the military. In the bible, it is predicted late in the tribulation period, an army of 200 million from the East called the King of the East will invade the Middle East. I don't know how the number can be so much though some say it's actually a demonic army. But some beg to differ by saying China has 200 million adult men capable of fighting or saying that China could combine forces with the nations in the Orient & Asia to form such a big force. I don't know how it's going to play out but I hope to be raptured if possible. By the look of this news, bible prophecy is coming to fruition. In the not too distant future, there is going to be a big war called the Armageddon in the Middle East, precisely at Jerusalem or Mount Meggido. Jesus gonna come as the King of kings & Lord of lords to wage war against the rebels and destroy them all with the sword from His mouth. I pray you & I will not be there to partake of His wrath. Blood flows the whole of Palestine & up to the horses' bridle. Pls accept Christ before too late.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Major Enrichment Announcement From Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki reportedly told members of the Iranian parliament on Tuesday that Iran would soon announce that it had managed to enrich uranium using 3,000 centrifuges, an Iranian MP told the FARS News Agency on Tuesday. Earlier this year, Iran said it planned to install 3,000 centrifuges at Natanz by the end of 2006. Some 54,000 centrifuges would be required to produce enough nuclear fuel for a reactor. At the moment, Iran has two working cascades - each consisting of 164 centrifuges - at Natanz with which it claimed in April to have enriched uranium to 3.5 percent. For a bomb, uranium needs to be enriched to 90% or SQ, a nuclear technical term for Significant Quantity. Although Iran is nowhere near that goal, its successful operation of more cascades of centrifuges indicates that the country is gradually mastering the complexities of producing enriched uranium. According to the report, Motakki also told parliamentarians during a closed-door meeting in Teheran that the Iranian government was in favor of a bill introduced on Sunday by parliament, calling to reevaluate Teheran’s relationship with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Iranian government and parliament also discussed the next steps to be taken following the sanctions, the news network Khabar reported. Mottaki briefed deputies on developments following UN resolution 1737, which imposed a watered-down sanctions package on Iran for defying suspension of its uranium enrichment programs. The parliament had already proclaimed on Sunday that it would approve a bill obliging the government to revise, reduce or even end cooperation with the IAEA as a sign of Iran’s protest to the UN resolution. The deputy of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Mohammad Saeidi, however told Khabar on Monday that all nuclear programs would stay under IAEA supervision. Observers say that even if the parliament approves the bill, it will be a symbolic gesture rather than seriously binding the government as the nuclear issue is regarded in Iran as “state-matter,” which means that it is decided at the highest level and in line with national interests. According to the Iranian constitution, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has the final say on all state affairs, including the nuclear issue, and could anytime overrule governmental and parliamentary decisions. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has termed the UN resolution as “solely a piece of paper” that would not stop Iran’s nuclear programs but observers believe that despite the harsh rhetoric, Teheran was still seeking resumption of negotiations with the West through its allies China and Russia.


Personal note: Iran is fast gaining nuclear capability. While many people i met on the web say that nothing will happen in 2007, I still think something significant like a regional war will occur in the Middle East. We all know in the news that three civil wars are already breaking out in the ME. Syria is also preparing for war with Israel & acquiring weapons like anti-tank rockets etc. Syria & Iran is fighting Israel by proxy thru Hamas & Hizbollah. I still believe Gog-Magog could happen anytime soon. Many diplomats say the Middle East is getting very chaotic & needs peace. Some say by June or July 2007. Could the Antichrist come to power by then thru surprise cos the rapture will be a surprise? Could the Gog-Magog war happen in the early tribulation period instead when all the Christians are gone & Israel is left alone? 2007 is indeed a year to look forward to. I am so happy to be living in these prophetic times. So exciting yet so troubling! I pray that God can rapture me up by His grace. If not, then i will have to face persecution even death by decapitation. I pray for God's mercy in this. God bless!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Jesus, Mahdi both coming, says Iran's Ahmadinejad

In New Year's greeting to Christians worldwide asks what Christ would do if he were here today

Posted: December 19, 200611:52 a.m. Eastern
© 2006

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appearing at "The World Without Zionism" conference Oct. 26, 2005In a greeting to the world's Christians for the coming new year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he expects both Jesus and the Shiite messianic figure, Imam Mahdi, to return and "wipe away oppression."

"I wish all the Christians a very happy new year and I wish to ask them a question as well," said Ahmadinejad, according to an Iranian Student News Agency report cited by

"My one question from the Christians is: What would Jesus do if he were present in the world today? What would he do before some of the oppressive powers of the world who are in fact residing in Christian countries? Which powers would he revive and which of them would he destroy?" asked the Iranian leader.

"If Jesus were present today, who would be facing him and who would be following him?"

Full article:

Are You Part of The Majority or the Remnant?

By Brannon Howse

Do you ever need to be encouraged to continue to speak the truth? Do you sometimes grow weary in defending truth? Do your friends and even some family members think you are just too negative or judgmental when you stick to your Biblical convictions? Under the burden of all the pressure to conform do you find yourself wondering if you should just learn to be more tolerant, more politically correct, and not so opinionated?

I think every Biblically minded Christian that desires to not go with the flow can answer in the affirmative to most, if not all, of the above questions.

Over the past few months the lines have been clearly drawn in the world and within evangelicalism. In other words, we really don’t live in a world where one can sit on the fence any longer. The choices a Biblically minded Christian must make are clear. I can be part of the majority or part of the remnant. God has always moved through a remnant and not the masses. Since the remnant is the minority, its members can often feel alone, outnumbered, overwhelmed and misunderstood. I confess I have felt all these emotions at one time or another in the past few months. I have received e-mails from other members of the remnant that have expressed these very same feelings.

I believe that one reason this website has experienced such tremendous growth in its first eighteen months of conception is because members of the remnant are hungry to find one another, learn from one another, be encouraged by one another and challenge one another. The countless amount of feedback that is offered each week on this site confirms this statement.

I know that not everyone that visits this site and offers feedback wishes us well but that is the entire point of my article today. Don’t let the non-remnant members get you down or discourage you from doing the important work to which God has called you.

Don’t let the non-remnant members convince you to put on the rose-colored glasses of today’s Christian-happy-talk compromisers. Looking at what is going on in the world through the clear and accurate lens of a Biblical worldview requires that we publicly acknowledge that certain ideas, beliefs and behaviors are unbiblical no matter how unpopular our pronouncement.

Sadly, many self-professing Christians believe that an individual can not proclaim Biblical truth unless one is completely perfect. Non-remnant members want you to believe that since none of us are perfect no one has the right to judge what anyone says, does or believes.

Many self-professing Christians have bought the lie of tolerance, non-judgmentalism and postmodernism. Therefore, they believe the members of the remnant are the source of many of our problems. Thus, non-remnant members seek to drive remnant members out of their churches, groups and associations.

Recently, I shared with a friend of mine some e-mails I had received from non-remnant members. Understanding how I felt led my friend, and fellow remnant member, to send me a little encouragement. I pray this encourages you and all other members of the remnant that read these words.

The following is a quote from Scottish pastor Horatius Bonar from the 19th century. He is writing about those who speak the truth even when it is not popular or comfortable:

Some one, then, must undertake the ungracious task of probing and laying bare the evils of the age; for men must not be allowed to congratulate themselves that all is well. If others will not, he will. If others shrink from the obloquy of such a work, he will not. He loves the age too well; he loves his nation too well; he loves his fellow-men too well. They may upbraid him; they may call him a misanthropist, or a prophet of evil; they may ascribe his warnings to the worst of motives, such as pride, or arrogance, or self-esteem, or malice, or envy; but he will give no heed to these unjust insinuations. He will prefer being thus misunderstood and maligned, to allowing men to precipitate themselves upon a ruin which they see not.

Rather than that they should perish, he will allow his own good name to be spoken against. He will risk every thing, even the hatred of brethren, rather than withhold the warning. If they give no heed to it, he has, at least, saved his own soul. If they do, he has saved both his own soul and theirs. He would rather take up the glad tidings of peace, and tell men of Him who came the first time for shame and death, and who is coming the second time for glory and dominion; but he feels as one who has a special and personal message to deliver, which cannot be postponed. He must remember that he is a watchman; and, having seen danger pressing on, he must not hesitate to make it known. He must speak his message of forewarning and rebuke, sparing no arrows, and neither smoothing down nor hiding any form of sin, but laying his finger upon every sore, and beseeching men to turn from their ungodliness.

The evils around him press upon him sadly; the coming evils are foreshadowed upon his spirit, and, therefore, he lifts up his voice like a trumpet. Satan has many snares which need to be detected; the world has many spells and lures which must be disenchanted; religion has many guises which must be unmasked, many devious paths of inconsistency which must be pointed out, many cherished errors which must be condemned, many carnal taints which must be abhorred and shunned. All these he must protest against without fear or favour.
--Horatius Bonar

Don’t shrink, go forth and defend and proclaim truth for that is your calling as a member of God’s remnant.

Distributed by

Friday, December 22, 2006

Iran 'going nuclear within weeks'

Iran defied imminent United Nations sanctions over its nuclear programme yesterday and pledged that it would become a member of the nuclear club within weeks. After weeks of haggling between major world powers, a resolution is expected to be approved by the UN Security Council before Christmas. “The nature of this resolution is not capable of pressuring Iran, and Iran will give an appropriate response to it,” said Ali Larijani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, and main negotiator on atomic issues. “This behaviour will just create more problems.” Following Iran’s failure to halt sensitive nuclear fuel work, the resolution is expected to ban imports and exports of materials and technology relating to uranium enrichment, reprocessing and heavy-water reactors, as well as ballistic missile delivery systems. Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, yesterday reiterated a prediction that Iran will announce going nuclear in February during celebrations of the 1979 Islamic revolution against the Shah. Addressing a rally in west Iran, he said his country’s nuclear plans would inspire other nations. He revelled in mocking President George W Bush and the West. “Some so-called superpowers… think that they can control the whole world,” he said. “I’m telling them: Open your eyes, today, the world no longer thinks your decisions have any value.” His typically outspoken remarks came after the American president said his Iranian counterpart was out of step with the rest of the world. On a tour of the Middle East this week Tony Blair called on moderate Muslim states to line up against Iran, which he accused of supporting extremist elements in southern Iraq and Lebanon. Since his surprising election victory last year, Mr Ahmadinejad has accelerated Iran’s nuclear programme, which western powers suspect is aimed at producing nuclear weapons in five to 10 years. Mr Ahmadinejad has said Israel should be “wiped off the map”.

Syria Preparing For War With Israel in 2007

Israeli media reported Friday that Syria has taken a leaf out of the Hizb’allah war manual and is laying the groundwork to draw Israel into a war of attrition. According to an exclusive report in The Jerusalem Post, Damascus has been overseeing the building of “death trap” villages along its border with Israel. Israeli intelligence officials believe that, watching the Hizb’allah at work last July, the Syrians learned some important lessons: Surface to surface missiles can immobilize Israel’s population. Israel’s state-of-the-art Merkava tanks cannot withstand Russian anti-tank rockets. IDF troops are not sufficiently well-trained to quickly win in urban warfare. Hizb’allah succeeded in preventing the overwhelmingly superior IDF forces from winning the war by: Paralyzing Israel’s home front, damaging or destroying more than 6000 homes and businesses, keeping half-a-million tourists from visiting Israel, and dealing a $2.5 billion blow to the Israeli economy; Knocking out IDF tanks and troop carriers, forcing Israeli soldiers to enter southern Lebanon villages on foot, where they were met by withering fire. More than 150 Israeli soldiers lost their lives in that war. Since a UN-imposed ceasefire last August, Syria has invested large amounts of money preparing to engage the Jewish state in a similar conflict. Up to now the Israel-Syria frontier has been the quietest of all Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Personal note: It is prophesied in the bible that Israel will go to war with Syria in the end times and this time, Israel will completely destroy Damascus leaving it in ruins. This is in Isaiah 17 & when this happens, the Gog-Magog war is close at its heels. We have much to look forward to in 2007. Is Syria again trying to provoke another large scale war like the 1973 Yom Kippur war? We shall see.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

US: Iran making headway in nuclear program

The Bush administration said Monday Iran was making headway in developing nuclear weapons, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tried to iron out differences with her Russian counterpart on a resolution designed to stop the program with economic sanctions.

While not predicting when Iran would join the nuclear club, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the Iranians were trying to perfect centrifuge technology and the operation of centrifuges.

"It's a very tricky matter of perfecting centrifuge technology so you can actually enrich all the uranium," McCormack said. "So, yes, they are going along their way in trying to go down the various pathways."

The spokesman provided no details of Rice's telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. "They went over some of the outstanding issues," McCormack said.

Personal note: US won't be able to tell Russia to impose economic sanctions as she won't. Russia is secretly abetting Iran & helping with the nuclear program etc. So why would they agree to economic sanctions which will stop the bomb production? Their common foes are US and Israel. They will attack Israel as prophesied in the bible in the future. I think it's going to be soon. I think Iran will perfect the centrifuge technology somehow, maybe with aid from Russia, China, DPRK & Pakistan. Then they will use this technology to produce the bomb & then invade Israel, thinking that their nuclear bomb will protect them from Israel's nuclear capability by threatening MAD. I don't know how it all plays out cos i am no politician or tactician. We will have to wait and see how God comes to the rescue of the Jews.

Ahmadinejad: Britain, Israel, US to 'vanish like the pharaohs'

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has predicted that Britian, Israel and the United States would eventually disappear from the world like the Egyptian pharaonic kings.

"The oppressive powers will disappear while the Iranian people will stay. Any power that is close to God will survive while the powers who are far from God will disappear like the pharaohs," he said Wednesday, according to Iranian news agencies.

"Today, it is the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime which are doomed to disappear as they have moved far away from the teachings of God," he said in a speech in the western town of Javanroud.

"It is a divine promise."

Ahmadinejad's comments were the latest salvo by the deeply religious president against the West and Israel. He has repeatedly predicted that Israel is doomed to disappear.

The remarks come amid mounting efforts by UN Security Council powers to agree a resolution imposing sanctions on Iran over its controversial nuclear programme.

"They are threatening us with sanctions. But they have to know that nuclear energy is the desire of all the (Iranian) people and the people will insist on their right," Ahmadinejad said.

Personal note: I foresee war coming. But it will not be Israel that disappears but Iran. We will see who is close to God's heart. Such blasphemy will one day be punished. Can't people see that we are now living in the last of the last days? 2007 might indeed be the defining year as i have shown throughout my blog. Prediction is that Iran will get the first nuclear bomb by March 2007. Three civil wars are breaking out in the Middle East. Israel is preparing for war with Syria, Hamas & Hizbollah even though UN troops are buffering the zone. Syria is preparing also & Hamas & Hizbollah are rearming & regrouping under the auspices of the evil UN. America is having trouble at home. The envrionment having birth pangs like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, global warming, ecosytem dying etc. So much happening & I hope some will come to believe that Jesus is coming soon. Don't be left behind!

Ahmadinejad: Iran now nuclear power

Ahmadinejad: Iran now nuclear power

Iranian president: Our scienists have reached zenith, accessed nuclear fuel cycle

Iran is now a "nuclear power," its President, Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, delcared Wednesday, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency .

Full news article:

Personal note: Iran has now become a nuclear power. I foresee that before they actually produce the bomb, Israel &/or the US will preempt it. I think US is too bogged down by the Iraq war & also a democratic controlled senate & house to go to war again. I think Israel might have to go it alone. But i think Iran will keep Israel busy thru Hizbollah, Hamas & Syria so that they wouldnt be able to preempt before Iran produces the bomb. The precursor of the Gog-Magog war. 2007 is indeed an exciting year to look forward to. If we are still here, we will see God's glory manifested thru this war. Armageddon beckons but the true Armageddon will happen 7 years later. Look up for our redemption draws nigh!

Monday, December 18, 2006

January EU Summit to strengthen Solana's hand

17/12/06 Earlier in the year, Javier Solana, the High Representative for the European Common, Foreign and Security Policy, was given a mission from French President Jacque Chirac and the European Foreign Ministers in June 2006. Shortly following the declaration of this mission, the war between Israel and Hizbullah broke out, after the capture of Israeli soldiers. Javier Solana was the first world leader to visit Lebanon, after the end of the Israeli-Hizbullah war. But he complained bitterly that he was hindered in his task of bringing about a regional peace agreement, due to interference in the Middle East from European leaders pushing their own foreign policies rather than speaking with one European voice. Come January, that looks set to change. The EU plans to hold a summit in January 2007, aimed at revitalizing the EU Constitution, "strengthening" Solana's hand, and renewing EU peace efforts in the Middle East.

Quote: "Meanwhile the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, said that Spain’s joint peace initiative with Italy and France for the Middle East, had led to a motion passed by the European Council on the problem. He said the motion strengthens the hand of the EU representative, Javier Solana, and puts the road plan to peace back on track.

Due to the problems in ratifying the EU Constitution by January 1st 2007 - the original deadline, EU leaders had decided to hold a summit and make a "political declaration" on the Constitution, presumably a statement of faith in the treaty even though it isn't officially adopted. I don't know exactly what strengthening Solana's hand entails. This could mean Solana's job may be merged with the EU External Relations Commissioner, if not becoming EU Foreign Minister proper. This would give Solana the "one voice" of Europe he has wanted for so long. And of course, according to the article, this will place Solana in the perfect position for confirming the EU's peace agreement in the Middle East. Solana is already personally involved in the efforts for peace in the Middle East. Last night he phoned President Abbas and discussed his call for early elections...

Quote: "President Mahmoud Abbas received Saturday a phone call from Javier Solana, the EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy. President Abbas briefed Solana on the latest developments in the Palestinian territory. For his part, Solana reiterated his support for President Abbas and his efforts to overcome the current political crisis for the benefit of all Palestinians.

Wow. I can't believe I'm typing this. Piece by piece, the events spoken of in the Scriptures are falling into place. Time to start getting ready to go.

2nd Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

Source Typically Spanish, WAFA

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Feast of Hanukkah ... History And Prophecy

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

He will be succeeded by a contemptible person who has not been given the honor of royalty. He will invade the kingdom when its people feel secure, and he will seize it through intrigue. (Daniel 11:21)

In 175 BC Antiochus IV Epiphanes came to power in Syria by stealing the throne from the rightful heir, Demetrius II, the young son of Seleucus IV Heliodorus. The original Seleucus was one of the four generals who divided the Greek Empire between them following the death of Alexander the Great. Thus Antiochus Epiphanes became the eighth descendant of Seleucus to sit on the throne of Syria.

Then an overwhelming army will be swept away before him; both it and a prince of the covenant (Onias III) will be destroyed. With a large army he will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South (Ptolemy VI of Egypt). The king of the South will wage war with a large and very powerful army, but he will not be able to stand because of the plots devised against him. The king of the North (Antiochus) will return to his own country with great wealth, but his heart will be set against the holy covenant. He will take action against it and then return to his own country. (Daniel 11:22,25,28)

Soon afterward, on his way to invade Egypt, Antiochus attacked Israel, stealing all the gold and silver furnishings from the Temple. He had Israel's last legitimate High Priest, Onias III, murdered and from then on the office was sold to the highest bidder, with the money going to Antiochus.

More at:

Friday, December 15, 2006

How the next generation will come to be microchipped - a realistic scenario (666 Mark of the Beast?)

One day we will all happily be implanted with microchips, and our every move will be monitored. The technology exists; the only barrier is society's resistance to the loss of privacy

By the time my four-year-old son is swathed in the soft flesh of old age, he will likely find it unremarkable that he and almost everyone he knows will be permanently implanted with a microchip. Automatically tracking his location in real time, it will connect him with databases monitoring and recording his smallest behavioural traits.

Most people anticipate such a prospect with a sense of horrified disbelief, dismissing it as a science-fiction fantasy. The technology, however, already exists. For years humane societies have implanted all the pets that leave their premises with a small identifying microchip. As well, millions of consumer goods are now traced with tiny radio frequency identification chips that allow satellites to reveal their exact location.

A select group of people are already "chipped" with devices that automatically open doors, turn on lights, and perform other low-level miracles. Prominent among such individuals is researcher Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England; Warwick is a leading proponent of the almost limitless potential uses for such chips.

Other users include the patrons of the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, many of whom have paid about $150 for the privilege of being implanted with an identifying chip that allows them to bypass lengthy club queues and purchase drinks by being scanned. These individuals are the advance guard of an effort to expand the technology as widely as possible.

From this point forward, microchips will become progressively smaller, less invasive, and easier to deploy. Thus, any realistic barrier to the wholesale "chipping" of Western citizens is not technological but cultural. It relies upon the visceral reaction against the prospect of being personally marked as one component in a massive human inventory.

More at:

Personal note: Society marches ever forwards(or backwards?) to the mark of the beast. In the name of security, convenience, technology etc, people will be chipped. I wonder where people's privacy will go to. Who is going to monitor those who monitor us? I won't get chipped for sure but I won't see the Antichrist if i am fortunate enough to be raptured up. That's why i urge all who read this message to come to Christ. It will be tyranny to the highest degree if someone somehow uses the chip to control humans & track every move. There is no place to hide anymore. Satellites will capture those who aren't chipped & will be tracked down by cops & caught. People who are chipped will have to obey the Antichrist no matter what cos no choice. I suspect some mind control device will also be in the chip cos in the bible it is written that once people receive the chip, the spirit of the beast will enter them. I guess sort of possessed by demons but could be mind control. Don't get chipped no matter what happens. You lose your liberty, privacy, everything even your soul.

'Behold, I am against thee, O Gog'

Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel made several amazing predictions. First, he predicted that, in the last days, Israel would be reborn as "one nation upon the mountains of Israel." (Ezekiel 37:22)

This prophecy is even more amazing when viewed from Ezekiel's historical perspective. In Ezekiel's day, Israel had already been conquered by Sargon the Assyrian in the 8th century B.C. The Israelites were taken captive and transferred to other parts of the Assyrian Empire to separate the people from the land in an effort to prevent any rebellion.

Judah had been conquered by Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon and Ezekiel was among the captives uprooted from Judah and taken to Babylon. When Ezekiel confidently predicted the re-establishment of Israel, not only was Israel already a historical footnote, but Ezekiel had no reason to believe Judah's fate would be any better.

Full article:

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Modern day Gog and Magog

Similarities between Ezekiel's prophecies, today's Mideast reality uncanny.

Ines EhrlichCurrent world events are beginning to increasingly resemble the 2,500 year old bible prophecy made by Ezekiel in chapters 38-39. Ezekiel foresaw the rise of Russia (or Turkey, depending on the interpretation) in a coalition with Iran and other Middle Eastern countries (Sudan, Ethiopia and Libya).

The coalition is foretold to attack Israel from the north in a bid to destroy it during the earth's "last days," commonly known as the "war of Gog and Magog."

Throughout history it was thought that the prophecy had been put on hold, until perhaps today when it seems frighteningly more feasible.

In Joel C. Rosenberg's book "The Ezekiel Option," the author points to Ezekiel's prophecies in chapters 36-37, which have largely come true.

Rosenberg then asks the obvious question: If prophecies such as "the rebirth of the State of Israel, the return of the Jews to the Holy Land after centuries in exile, the re-blossoming of desolate desert land to produce abundant food, fruit and foliage, and the creation of an exceedingly great army" materialized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, then why shouldn't the next prophecies come true in our lifetime?

Let's try and place the biblical names and locations into today's reality, and see the parallel unfolding of events:

Gog is commonly believed to represent a person's name rather than a place, a tyrannical leader who may hatch an evil plan – in today's reality this "honor" could be most suited to the President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, or perhaps Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon .

Magog, according to some scholars, refers to Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union, or perhaps Turkey. Others will argue that the exact location has not been fully ascertained and that the word Magog may simply be a generalization for an enemy of Israel, leaving the location open.

Under attack

According to the prophecy in question, "many peoples with you" who will attack along "the mountains of Israel" implies that other countries will be involved in the Russian (or Turkish), Iranian, Sudanese, Ethiopian and Libyan coalition, and who border on the mountains of Israel. This includes Lebanon, Syria and possibly Jordan as well.

Is it so farfetched to imagine the axis between Hizbullah, Iran and Syria, especially after the second war in Lebanon when these three forces overtly united and continue to support each other's goal to destroy Israel?

In his book, Rosenberg notes a conspicuous absence of Egypt and Iraq in the original prophecy, which also makes a lot of sense at this point in time. Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979 and Iraq is embroiled in its own war of survival and both are unlikely to join a coalition against Israel.

According to the prophecy Magog "will build a military coalition and prepare a strike against Israel." Gog "will use overwhelming force against Israel" - could this be referring to nuclear force? And his coalition will "come like a storm…like a cloud covering the land."

But let's not become hysterical. According to the prophecy, there is no need for Israel to become alarmed, "as the Lord God will bring judgment upon the enemies of Israel beginning with Gog (the tyrant)."

Ezekial prophesizes a great earthquake and the turning of Gog's forces against each other. The next step, which prophesizes God subjecting the enemy to "pestilence, blood, torrential rains, hailstones and fire from heaven," is unclear and sounds like someone pressed the nuclear button, and if so, then who, and who in the region would survive it?

But as in all happy endings, Israel, it is prophesized, will regain its economic prosperity.
So the question remains: Should we wait for future developments and hope for the best, or look more closely at Ezekiel's prophecy and consider preemptive action to stop what may be seen as an imminent threat rising from the "anti-Israel coalition?"

With this said, Ezekiel's prophecy says nothing about an Israeli pre-emptive strike to avert a possible attack – and indeed, it appears such a strike is unlikely considering the current state of our dubious, weak leadership.

Ines Ehrlich is an editor at Ynetnews

Personal note: Even secular non-Christian writers are writing about the coming Gog-Magog war as prophesied in the bible. If bible prophecies concerning Israel did come true, how much more prophecies regarding Jesus as the Christ & His soon second coming? Yes, Ezek. 38 will come true as God is God. The writer tries to imply a pre-emptive attack to avert the possible Gog-Magog attack but I think none will be carried out. I don't know for what reason (maybe others might know) but I guess Syria must be destroyed first. I guess Iran will fight thru Syria & Hizbollah etc first, trying to draw Israel into war. Then Israel will use devastating force on Syria & be subject to criticism by UN. Maybe that's why Israel won't be able to pre-empt Iran. Maybe US is kept busy with a terrorist attack or something. I guess the time is very ripe with Iran's Presidential madman going crazy & spouting insanity for the Gog-Magog war. But it will be Iran & her allies that suffer not Israel. God will come to her rescue even if US abandons her. God bless Israel! Amen!

Tribulation Saint Wannabes

You folks probably have no idea how many times a day I receive e-mail messages from tribulation saint wannabes who write to encourage me to rethink my belief in the pre-trib rapture. Because Rapture Ready is now one of the leading sites on the subject of the rapture, I'm constantly receiving messages that challenge my pre-trib view.

Many of these people rant about how I'm setting all my readers up for the big Antichrist deception. I'm constantly being told that the pretribulation rapture doctrine is the "great apostasy" and that anyone preaching this view is an agent of the devil.

Most of these people are so much in love with the idea of a post-trib rapture that they don't even bother to validate their view with Scripture. I would estimate that 90 percent of the people who write me never quote a single verse from the Bible.

If for some odd reason the rapture fails to occur before the tribulation, they believe despondent Christians will mistake the false messiah for the real one. Of course, nowhere in the Bible does it say this type of scenario will take place.

For the sake of the argument, granting the possibility that the rapture transpires at a later time, there's no logical reason for a Bible-believing Christian to be tricked into following the Antichrist. It's normally the post-trib folks who are the most vocal about their predictions of mass defections from the faith.

I think telling the difference between the Antichrist and Jesus Christ will be as easy as telling the difference between a $5 watch sold at Wal-Mart and a $5,000 watch made by Rolex.

Because the Bible teaches we will be raptured to meet the Lord Jesus in the air, no man on earth could possibly qualify as the Messiah. I would simply say, if you haven't been raptured yet, keep waiting for the real Savior.

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (1 Th 4:16-17).

Because Revelation proclaims Jesus will return with great power and majesty, it's pure folly to follow after a political leader that appears on the scene via a humble stage door.

"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb" (Rev 6:14-6).

More at:

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Small Nuclear War Could Lead to Cooldown

Dec 11, 5:28 PM (ET)By ALICIA CHANG

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Some of the scientists who first advanced the controversial "nuclear winter" theory more than two decades ago have come up with another bleak forecast: Even a regional nuclear war would devastate the environment.

Using modern climate and population models, researchers estimated that a small-scale nuclear conflict between two warring nations would cause 3 million to 17 million immediate casualties and lead to a marked cooldown of the planet that could lead to crop failures and further misery.

As dire as the predictions seem, they fall short of nuclear winter. That theory says that smoke and dust from an atomic war between the superpowers would blot out the sun, plunge the Earth into the deep freeze and cause mass starvation, wiping out 90 percent of the Earth's population, or billions of people.

For more:

Germany to renew Mideast peace efforts -Merkel

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will use its presidency of the European Union next year to launch new efforts aimed at helping secure peace in the Middle East, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a regular video podcast on Saturday.

"The political process ... must be revived," Merkel said. "Germany will seize the initiative during the EU presidency. Above all, we believe the Middle East Quartet should be revived and here, the European Union has an active role to play."

Merkel was referring to the group of four international mediators -- the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia -- who launched the Middle East "road map" in 2003 which was intended to revive talks on a long-term peace.

U.S. President George W. Bush also acknowledged this week the need for concerted efforts to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after a report by former Secretary of State James Baker urged Washington to revive U.S. diplomatic efforts.

The German chancellor supported the findings of the so-called Baker Commission report.
"In particular I support a broad diplomatic initiative in which Iraq would also include its neighbouring states and would therefore be able to make a contribution towards stabilising the Middle East region," she said.

Merkel emphasised Israel's right to exist, the importance of a stable and independent Lebanon as well as the Palestinians' right to their own state. In order to secure these, the co-operation of Syria and Egypt would be required, Merkel said.

Merkel will host Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Sunday and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday in Berlin.

(c) Reuters 2006. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.

Personal note: Another future attempt at the peace convenant with Israel b/w EU etc. Talks & more talks won't solve the problem. Only Jesus could. Peace won't come until Jesus comes again. But only a false peace will occur & I wonder will another Hitler-like man arise in Germany. To think Germany started 2 world wars if i get it correctly. Don't worry the world will have peace but fake one at that for seven years & it will lead to the doom of many. The Antichrist will require all to be chipped or marked. Once marked with the mark of the beast, no one can go to heaven. Jesus come back quickly!

Iran President: Israel Will Be Wiped Out

Dec 12, 4:37 PM (ET)


TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran's hard-line president said Tuesday that Israel will one day be "wiped out" as the Soviet Union was, drawing applause from participants in a conference casting doubt on the Holocaust.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's comments were likely to further fuel the outcry prompted by the two-day gathering, which has gathered some of Europe's and the United States' best-known Holocaust deniers.

Anger over the conference could further isolate Iran as the West considers sanctions in the standoff over Tehran's nuclear program.

But Ahmadinejad appeared to revel in his meeting Tuesday with conference delegates, shaking hands with American participants and sitting near six anti-Israel Jewish participants, dressed in black ultra-Orthodox coats and hats.

"The Zionist regime will be wiped out soon the same way the Soviet Union was, and humanity will achieve freedom," Ahmadinejad said during Tuesday's meeting in his offices, according to the official IRNA news agency.

For more:

Personal note: Israel stands alone against so many enemies. Iran's President is going cuckoo together with so many people around the world. This is a sign of the times. The craze will reach its height when Iran together with her allies will attack Israel to preempt her & destroy her forever but they themselves will be destroyed instead. This will teach people a lesson about messing with God or God's people. I believe the holocaust really happened. My people the Chinese were murdered in the thousands by Japs & similarly murdered in the millions by our own dictators. I am a Singaporean by the way altho my ancestors were Chinese & even in Singapore many many people were also killed by the japs for opposing them. I really believed such evil exists on earth today & I believe satan is alive & well here. But God is greater. Before he can destroy us completely, God will rapture us up & preserve a remnant on earth at the same time. Satan & his demons are destined to burn in hell forever tog with all their cronies.

This hate rhetoric from Iran I believe signals an impending war with Israel. And this time they plan to eliminate Israel once for all but God is still God. He will protect Israel & defeat all her enemies. I expect something on the horizon soon since so much news are coming out of Iran. I guess they are getting desperate or they could be near to a nuclear bomb. As i have said before, I wonder what are they (the UN) doing? All talk & no action. Sanctions but no sanctions. What is happening? I guess the time is right for the end to come soon. Watch!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

By faith or faith + works?

The post trib rapture position is a faith + works doctrine. Saved by faith & works bcos after we are saved, we need to save ourselves by our works. Why do i say this? It is bcos the post trib rapture doctrine says that we need to be purified thru the tribulation in order to go to heaven in the rapture. This is false bcos we are purified when Jesus comes to wash away our sins by His precious blood. It is once for all cleansing. We are saved eternally. We are saved by faith as a sinner & nothing but by grace thru faith & even this faith is a gift of God so that no one can boast. We cannot purify ourselves no matter how. When we become a Christian we are saved by faith & we cannot go to heaven by our good works. To say that we need to purify ourselves we disregard Jesus as the perfect sacrifice & trust in our own righteousness & not His righteousness. It is His righteousness that allows us to go to God not our own. Thank God for His grace & mercy!

To believe in post trib or pre wrath rapture is a faith + works kind of thing. The Great Tribulation is not something as ordinary as normal persecution. It is much more. It is the wrath of God poured out on unbelieving people. It is not for Christians. This is the dispensation of grace & the church but when the rapture occurs, the dispensation changes to OT like times, so people will once again need to maintain their walk & relationship with God thru good works. The Jews are once again worshipping God in the rebuilt temple & instituting the OT sacrifices. The church is no longer on earth. That's good news to us. The world will become a very dark place. I pray God will forgive me & rapture me up in Jesus name!

Are you saved? Don't wait till the rapture to confirm you are saved. Get saved by Jesus now! It is going to be harder to be a Christian when the tribulation sets in & all of us are gone & the Antichrist is here. The Holy Spirit in us is keeping the Antichrist at bay. That's why he still cannot appear on the world stage or we will give him terrible headaches by exposing him. Are you saved? Get saved now! Even if the rapture happens 40 years later & not soon, you never know when you will pass away. Accept His pardon once for all by faith in Christ Jesus & His work on the Cross. Don't wait any longer cos I think time is really running out!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy - Foreshadowing of the covenant with many?

2006-12-10 The European Commission today tabled proposals on new ways to strengthen the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP ). The first 18 months of implementation of the ENP have shown good results. The new position paper aims to increase the impact of the policy, by proposing ways to help partners willing to reform to do so faster and better, and provide incentives to convince those who are still hesitant.

The new proposals are accompanied by progress reports on Israel, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, Tunisia, Ukraine and West Bank and Gaza Strip which started to implement their ENP Action Plans in 2005. The Communication will feed into work during the incoming German Presidency in the first half of 2007.

European Commissioner for External Relations and Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner said: "I believe that our Neighbourhood Policy is bringing real benefits to Israel and today we are offering to the country even more attractive incentives. They will bring the Policy into sharper focus, concentrating on key areas of mutual interest like people to people contacts, deepening economic and trade relations and stronger co operation on energy and transport. The Neighbourhood Policy has made a positive start, but the EU can do much more. We must rise to the challenge of promoting peace, stability and economic prosperity of our neighbours."

Today's progress report on Israel takes stock of achievements since the Action Plan was formally adopted in April 2005. Implementing the Action Plan has better defined the path and framework of EU-Israel relations while deepening and strengthening co-operation in a wide spectrum of areas. EU-Israel cooperation has developed in the areas of political dialogue, anti-terrorism, promotion of trade and investment, justice and security, science and technology including space cooperation, as well as higher education. Furthermore technical workshops have been organised on a large number of specific subjects relating, for example, to preventing terrorist financing, promoting judicial and police cooperation, protecting the environment, and combating racism/xenophobia/anti-semitism. From 2007-13 the budget foreseen for the countries of the ENP is €12 billion, 32% more in real terms than in the last budget period. To maximise the impact and leverage of this EU funding the Commission will propose the creation of:

• A Neighbourhood Investment Fund, to which Member States will also be invited to contribute, which would be used to leverage additional lending from the European Investment Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other development banks. The contribution from the Community Budget would be €700 million. It is estimated that this fund could encourage lending of several times the amount of grant funding. If Member States were to match the EC contribution, the Fund could generate a considerable amount of concessional lending.

• €300 million will also be set aside for a Governance Facility, to provide additional support on top of normal country allocations to acknowledge and support the work of partner countries who have made most progress in implementing their Action Plans. Today's Communication also proposes:

• A clear perspective for all ENP partners, eastern as well as southern, of deep economic and trade integration with the EU, going beyond free trade in goods and services to address non-tariff barriers and achieving comprehensive regulatory convergence.

• Substantially improved visa procedures for certain types of visitors.

• Ad hoc or regular ministerial and expert level meetings with ENP partners on subjects like energy, transport, the environment and public health. This multilateral approach can usefully complement the bilateral work on which the ENP is based.

• Strengthened political co operation, more systematic association of ENP partners with EU initiatives (foreign policy declarations, positions in international fora as well as participation in key programmes and EU agencies).

• A more active role for the EU in conflict-settlement efforts in the region.

• A strengthened regional approach in the east based on existing Black Sea co operation.

Full Article

Personal note: It's more than a coincidence that the time span is from 2007 to 2013 don't you think? Israel for your info is in the ENP & this could be the foreshadowing of the peace covenant with the EU beast to come for 7 years. It's very likely that this is the peace covenant that Israel will make both for it's economic & political stability. Note they mentioned promoting peace & stability for all its members. The Antichrist could just take control of ENP or something like this when the church is raptured & America is out of the way. He will be promoting peace & security but it will be the most tribulational times for many people esp left behind Christians. Many people will be caught surprised by the sudden rapture & advent of Antichrist. People will be going about their business & making money. It will be a prosperous time before the rapture happens & people get left behind. On a sidenote: some people have predicted the stock market to rally to 2008 & then plunge-a 7 year cycle of plenty & poverty. Could it be that the rapture could happen by 2008-in a time of great prosperity for the Europeans? Will America decline in 2007-2008 economically & politically? Will she shut herself up to the world & just meddle only in her home affairs? Could the rapture take out a significant no of people from US & leave it weak, so that the EU takes on a more prominent role in world affairs? We will have to wait to see but it won't be long. Take care & watch!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Munich Solution

Israel - Middle East Saturday, December 09, 2006
Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor

In the fall of 1938, Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, traveled to Berchtesgaden to meet with German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Hitler had just threatened to invade Czechoslovakia unless Britain and France stood aside and allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland.

At that meeeting, Italy's Benito Mussolini suggested a four-power conference between Britain, France, Germany and Italy to resolve the issue. Czechoslovakia's Eduard Benes was excluded from the meeting that would decide the future of his country.

Something new (or old?) is in the making!

The past few days i have been hearing of US trying to exit Iraq & Iraq Study Group or something. I believe a new(or old) peace treaty is in the making. US is trying to get Syria & Iran to help stabilise Iraq & of course with conditions attached like Israel agreeing to give away more land for peace. The elite of the world seems to think that by Israel giving away more land to Syria & Palestinians, they can get the Middle East & elsewhere to have peace. I think most likely false peace. If the current efforts are to get its way, the advent of the Antichrist is pretty soon. But if we are still in this world, the peace efforts will fail again. Not that we are not for peace but not a false peace in secular ways but peace under the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ. Only then will there be true peace not some fake peace covenant.

Here is the link to Iraq study group in Wikipedia:

Further links:,, Iraq Study Group Report(PDF)

We will see how the events will lead to. But the rapture is ever closer & the advent of the Antichrist is ever nearer. If you haven't receive Jesus as Lord & Saviour & repented of your sins, I suggest you do so now. If you are a Christian, you have hope of being raptured out to meet our Lord. Keep watching!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Olmert calls for dramatic measures against Iran

BERLIN (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called for more dramatic measures to be taken against Iran and declined to rule out a military attack against Tehran in an interview with Germany's Spiegel magazine.

Olmert criticised the international community's hesitation in dealing with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The West fears Iran's nuclear programme is aimed at developing nuclear weapons but Tehran denies this.

"I am anything but happy," Olmert was quoted as saying in an interview released ahead of publication on Sunday.

"I expect significantly more dramatic steps to be taken. Here is a leader who says openly that it is his aim to wipe Israel off the map. Israel is a member of the United Nations."

"That someone says such a thing these days is absolutely criminal."

When asked if he would not rule out a military strike against Tehran, Olmert replied: "I rule nothing out."

Olmert repeated he was prepared to withdraw from the majority of settlements in the occupied West Bank.

"A prime minister should not make promises that he cannot keep but my message is clear: I am prepared to give up regions. That means that I am ready to evacuate territories. You know how hard this is," he said.

"And we are ready to do this in such a way that would allow the Palestinians in the West Bank to have a contiguous state. I am not making any conditions which would not be made by the international community."

Olmert is due to visit Germany on Tuesday and will hold a joint press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Personal note: Iran is really a threat to Israel & becoming more so as the day passes with the UN wringing their hands about what to do to Iran. As i have said before, the UN will do nothing as Iran keeps building nuclear facilities until fruition. I believe Iran will soon have a nuclear bomb, maybe a crude one like the one dropped on Hiroshima (by Mar 2007 according to King Abdullah & others). By then, they will have the gall to attack Israel thinking Israel won't use her nuclear bombs. But don't forget the Samson option. But God will protect Israel in this forthcoming Gog-Magog war & Iran & allies will be utterly destroyed.

According to the news here, Olmert doesn't rule out military strike. But I think Israel will be kept busy by Syria, Hamas & Hizbollah. I think they would have to conduct big air sorties to bomb Iran's facilities. Attack wrong, don't attack also wrong. Anti-semitism is already high internationally. But I think Israel won't be able to attack first bcos according to Ezekiel 38-39, Iran (ancient Persia), Russia(Gog), Turkey, Egypt & many others will attack Israel to overwhelm her. God will protect Israel & His glory will be seen in the miraculous destruction of her enemies. Then, the Arab allies & Russia will cease to be a major force in the world & the Antichrist will take over to demand a peace treaty.

Rapture on Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashana

Summary of reasons why Christians expect to see the rapture happen on the Feast of Trumpets / Rosh Hashanna

1. All the Spring Feasts were fulfilled at Christ's first coming, and on the exact day of the feast. All the Fall Feasts picture the second advent, and the Feast of Trumpets is the first of the fall feasts, picturing the rapture.

2. The Feast of Trumpets is when the "last trump" of the rapture of 1 Cor 15 is blown.

3. The Feast of Trumpets is known as the Wedding of the Messiah, and the Church is the Bride of Christ, and the rapture is when the Church is caught up to heaven to be wed with Christ.

4. The Feast of Trumpets happens on the "new moon", which is 29.5 days after the last one, meaning it might occur on the 29th or 30th day, nobody knows for sure. "Of that day or hour no man knows" is an expression referring to this feast, and thus, the rapture.

5. "Of that day or hour no man knows, but my Father only" is an expression used by a groom when asked when his wedding will be. He says this because it is his Father that will tell him when his preparations on the bridal chamber are completed and it is time. Again, the wedding pictures the rapture.

6. The "Open Door" of the rapture in Matt 25, and Rev 3, & Rev 4:1 is a symbol of the Feast of Trumpets. [Ezek 46:1] "Thus says the Lord GOD: The gate of the inner court that faces east shall be shut on the six working days; but on the sabbath day it shall be opened and on the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

7. We are told that the new moon and the Feasts of the Lord are a shadow of things to come in Col 2:16,17. Since the Feast of Trumpets is the only Feast of the Lord that falls on a new moon, we should take particular note.

8. There are seven days of awe in between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. These picture the seven years of tribulation. Atonement pictures Satan being defeated and cast away at the end of tribulaion. If you add the two day Trumpets feast, and the day of atonement, the 7 days of awe are "ten days of tribulation" which might be referred to in Rev. 2:10.

9. In the Jewish Wedding, a marriage takes place over a period of time known as the "bridal week". During the bridal week, the groom and bride have sex in the bridal chamber. At the end of the week, there is a marriage supper. Compare Judges 14, Rev. 19, and Gen. Genesis 29:22-28 This bridal week will be the tribulation week on earth, while the bride of Christ is in heaven.

10. In the Jewish Wedding, the groom comes for his bride "like a thief in the night" to take (size / rapture) her away and into the bridal chamber for the bridal week at his father's house.

11. The Feast of Trumpets is also known as the coronation of the Messiah, when he will start reigning as king, thus the beginning of the "Day of the Lord", which includes the tribulation.

12. It is also time for the bema judgment, or the judgement of the works of the righteous, and judgement must begin at the house of the Lord.

[2Cor 11:2] For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

Rapture parallels with the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh HaShana)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Israel sliding to disappearance, Ahmadinejad tells Haniya


Sat Dec 2, 4:09 AM ET

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told Palestinian prime minister Ismail Haniya that Israel is sliding toward disappearance.

"The Zionist regime is on the slope of disappearance and the freedom movement and the struggles of the Palestinian people have more success every day," Ahmadinejad told Haniya on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the Asian Games in Doha on Friday.

Neither Iran nor Haniya's ruling Islamist Hamas faction recognise Israel.

"It is the religious duty of all Muslims to stand by the Palestinians," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the official IRNA agency on Saturday.

"The continued crimes of the Zionist regime will only accelerate the downfall of this fake regime."

Ahmadinejad, who has prompted international anger by dismissing the Holocaust as a "myth" used to justify the creation of Israel, added: "This regime was created in order to make tension in the region and to carry out the policies of the US and Britain."

Haniya, whose government is internationally boycotted over its refusal to lay down arms, recognise Israel and abide by earlier peace agreements, is on his first foreign tour since taking power in January, with Tehran reportedly one of his destinations.

During Palestinian foreign minister Mahmud Zahar's visit to Tehran two weeks ago, the Islamic republic gave 120 million dollars in aid to the cash-strapped Hamas-led government and voiced its readiness to give more.

Israel's arch-foe Iran denies allegations that it supplies arms to Palestinian militant groups, saying its support is of a moral nature only.

Personal note: Iran is just trying to make an excuse to destroy Israel. The lands of the Palestinians belong to Israel & they have no right to have a separate state. They don't want to live peacefully with Israel. They want to annihilate Israel. They don't want land for peace but for war. It won't be Israel that disappears but Iran & her allies. We shall see God's glory in this. If they don't stop this madness, they will ultimately be destroyed. God is the protector of Israel, the apple of His eye. Anyone who messes with Israel will be destroyed by God. There will come a time when the whole world will gather against Israel but all will be utterly destroyed. I pray more will repent as that Day approaches. I pray the Jews will look to Jesus soon bcos only Jesus can save them from certain doom.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

EU to grant Israel 14 million Euro

Ramiro Cibrián-Uzal, EU ambassador to Israel said Tuesday that the European Union would grant Israel 14 million Euro (USD 18,667,973) over the next seven years.

Cibrián-Uzal pointed out that Europe was interested in deepening its financial cooperation with Israel. “It depends on Israel,” he said. (Ronny Sofer),7340,L-3336439,00.html

Personal note: Do I see something significant here? I mean the number 7 refering to the number of years that EU is sponsoring Israel. Why depend on Israel? Probably for a peace treaty - that Israel must agree to the treaty? Do they have something planned already for Israel & the Middle East? 7 years! How coincidental to the no. of years of tribulation for the world! Yes, 2007 - 2013 are very important prophetic years. I hope I get raptured up bcos it won't be peace but war & persecution for Christians. Many people still blind to notice something significant is in the air. Something's gonna happen very soon. I wonder if America will be destroyed first so that Israel has to depend on EU. I wonder if the rapture will throw America into decline. I pray God raptures us all up.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Russia to send Iran anti-aircraft systems in early 2007 (The Gog-Magog war?)

Russia has pledged to begin delivery of its TOR-M1 anti-aircraft system to Iran in 2007.

Officials said Russia's state-owned arms export agency Rosoboronexport has relayed its commitment to begin TOR-M1 deliveries to Iran by early 2007. They said the delivery schedule has been approved by the Russian Defense Ministry, and the first platforms could be sent over the next few weeks.

"Russia does not violate any accords and is resolved to fulfill it," Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said.

In 2005, Iran ordered 29 TOR-M1 short-range air defense systems from Almaz-Antey in a reported $1.4 billion deal. Officials said Iran would receive batteries sufficient to equip one Iranian air defense battalion. This would include four command posts, 16 combat vehicles, trainers, surface-to-air missiles and spare parts.

The sources said Iran, the third largest military client of Russia, has demanded the immediate delivery of TOR-M1 to help protect the nation's nuclear facilities from Israeli or U.S. air strikes. They said the first facilities to receive the air defense system would be the nuclear installations at Isfahan and Bushehr.

The TOR-M1 could intercept low- and medium-altitude targets, including unmanned aerial vehicles. Almaz-Antey said the system could track 48 air targets simultaneously and fire two missiles at a time toward two separate targets. The system has an interception range of 12 kilometers and a detection range of 40 kilometers.

Full Article

Personal note: Are they in the know about possible preemption by Israel possibly in 2007? Will they have a nuclear weapon ready-maybe a small atomic bomb? Are they actually preparing for war already in 2007? Could Russia also be in it? Yes i think. I am not trying to speculate but Ahmadinejad's ambition is well known-to wipe Israel off the map. To usher in the Mahdi by igniting global conflagration & chaos. This might just be some news about they arming themselves for a war to come. Yes, 2007 is the year to look forward to. I look forward to it. So many things prophetic happening. The nearest event will be the destruction of Syria & Gog-Magog war. Watch & don't be left behind!

U.S. defense secretary: Can't assure Israel that Iran won't attack

By News Agencies

Robert Gates, nominated to replace Donald Rumsfeld as U.S. defense secretary, on Tuesday said Iran was trying to acquire nuclear weapons and its leaders were lying when they said the program is strictly civilian.

He said he was not sure Iran would attack Israel with such weapons because "the risks for them (Iran) are enormously high." But he also said the United States could not assure Israel that a nuclear attack by Iran would not happen."I don't think anybody can provide that assurance," he told the committee.

Full article:

Personal note: Iran WILL attack Israel according to bible prophecy. Together with her muslim allies & Russia. It happened before in 1973. It will happen again. This time it's going to be massive attack. But God will intervene & they will be totally destroyed in a fiery nuclear conflagration (I guess from the description in the bible). Then the world will want peace albeit fake peace under the Antichrist. I guess the rapture might happen at that moment. A false Armageddon will make people think Christ has really come back. Maybe this alien beast of a man, the Antichrist might just conspire to come in some sort of spaceship or from the sky. I pray God will protect Israel & more so my brothers & sisters in Christ esp in the Middle East. May God rapture us up in His mercy & grace!

Gaia scientist Lovelock predicts planetary wipeout

By Jeremy Lovell

LONDON (Reuters) - The earth has a fever that could boost temperatures by 8 degrees Celsius making large parts of the surface uninhabitable and threatening billions of peoples' lives, a controversial climate scientist said on Tuesday.

James Lovelock, who angered climate scientists with his Gaia theory of a living planet and then alienated environmentalists by backing nuclear power, said a traumatized earth might only be able to support less than a tenth of it's 6 billion people.

"We are not all doomed. An awful lot of people will die, but I don't see the species dying out," he told a news conference. "A hot earth couldn't support much over 500 million."

For fill article: Click here

Personal note: The world is in birth pangs partly caused by our sins. Jesus is coming back. We won't see extinction but lots of people will die in the tribulation & pouring out of God's wrath. But some will survive the Great Trib & go on to populate the Millenium. Then earth will be restored until the time of 1000 yrs is over. Then satan will be released & a final battle will ensue. Then there will be a new earth & a new heaven forever.

Storm, mudslides kill 198 in Philippines

By BULLIT MARQUEZ, Associated Press Writer
Fri Dec 1, 3:29 PM ET

The ash and boulders had been building up since an eruption in July, high on the slopes of the Mayon volcano. Typhoon Durian's blasts of wind and drenching rain raked it all down in a deadly black wall of debris.

For nearly three hours Thursday afternoon, mudslides ripped through Mayon's gullies, uprooting trees, flattening houses and engulfing people. Entire hamlets were swamped in Mayon, on northern Luzon island.

Some 198 people were killed — most in mudslides on Mayon — and 260 were missing, the national Office of Civil Defense reported. Another 130 were injured.

With power and phone lines down, it took until Friday morning, when the first flights managed to survey the area, for the scope of the devastation to emerge.

"The disaster covered almost every corner of this province — rampaging floods, falling trees, damaged houses," said Fernando Gonzalez, governor of Albay province, the site of all but a few of the deaths.

Pope Benedict XVI, saddened by the "tragic loss of life," was praying for the victims, rescue workers and others providing assistance, the Vatican said.

"Our rescue teams are overstretched rescuing people on rooftops," said Glen Rabonza, the Civil Defense head, after officials briefed President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on the disaster and the difficulties of getting to survivors stranded by seas of black mud.

Bodies were wrapped in blankets and slung on bamboo poles to be carried to trucks, then covered with coconut leaves and transferred to makeshift morgues.

"It's terrible. We now call this place a black desert," Noel Rosal, mayor of Legazpi city, Albay province's capital, said after visiting one stricken village.

Rosal said three of the five communities comprising the village of 1,400 people had been "wiped out" with only the roofs of several houses jutting out of the debris. He said people claimed some of the boulders were as big as cars and red hot, suggesting fresh lava from 8,077-foot Mayon.

His own residence was under water that rose "higher than a person" in a flash flood.

"I was almost a goner. I had to swim," Rosal said.

Mayon, a popular tourist attraction because of its nearly perfect conical shape, is one of the Philippines' 22 active volcanos. It erupted in July, depositing millions of tons of rocks and volcanic ash on its slopes, and has continued to rumble since then. Rains from succeeding typhoons may have loosened the materials.

Villagers have lived with the threat of a Mayon eruption — the most violent one killed more than 1,200 people in 1814 — but say they never heard of debris being washed so far down or so violently.

Typhoon Durian blasted ashore with gusts of up to 165 mph, running head-on into Mayon, 210 miles southeast of Manila on Luzon island.

"When the water suddenly rose, we ran for our lives," said Lydia Buevos, 58, who returned with her husband and children Friday to see their hut gone. Holding a pair of rubber sandals — the only possession she was able to save — she said she lost three relatives to the storm.

"It happened very rapidly and many people did not expect this because they haven't experienced mud flows in those areas before," Gonzalez said. "By the time they wanted to move, the rampaging mud flows were upon them."

The typhoon weakened Friday as it moved northward, with sustained winds of 94 mph and gusts of up to 116 mph as it headed toward the South China Sea.

Cars zigzagged on the road to the affected area to avoid uprooted trees and toppled utility posts Friday. Steel pylons had been bent down by the wind, and power cables lay scattered about like strands of spaghetti.

With the sky surprisingly blue already, people dug foundations for new homes, hammering tin sheets onto leaking roofs and drying pillows, mattresses and clothes in the sun.

Durian was the fourth "super typhoon" to hit the Philippines in as many months. In late September, Typhoon Xangsane left 230 people dead and missing in and around Manila. Typhoon Cimaron killed 19 people and injured 58 others last month, and earlier this month, Chebi sliced through the central Luzon region, killing one.

About 20 typhoons and tropical storms hit the Philippines each year.
Associated Press writers Oliver Teves, Teresa Cerojano and Jim Gomez contributed to this story from Manila.

Personal Note: The waves & seas roaring. The weather going crazy. Signs of the end times. The earth in birth pangs. Watch for the coming of Jesus is near.

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Generation of the Messiah

Israel - Middle East Sunday,
December 03, 2006
Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Maj. Gen. Yahya Safavi now heads one of the most formidable military forces in the world, despite international sanctions designed to prevent an Iranian military buildup.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard is an entity separate and distinct from Iran's regular armed forces that is loyal and answerable only to Iran's ruling mullahs. The Revolutionary Guard was created and set up specifically to prevent a military coup by secularists against Iran's religious rulers.

And under Safavi, the Revolutionary Guard has developed into a force numbering as many as TEN MILLION dedicated and fanatically religious soldiers.

That's ten MILLION Iranian soldiers -- those ten million make up JUST the IRGC -- Iran also has a separate army, navy and air forces. Plus tens of thousands of religiously devoted volunteer suicide squads.


Let's add it all up and see what we get.

In Israel, devoutly religious Jews are preparing for the coming of the Messiah. For the first time in 1,600 years, the Jewish Sanhedrin has been reconstituted, since Jewish law requires the Jewish Messiah to be certified by Israel's Supreme religious court.

Gershon Salomon's Temple Mount Faithful fully expect the Messiah in the near future, and each year attempt to lay the cornerstone for the Third Temple. The Temple Mount Institute has recreated all the necessary elements for Temple worship and is training Kohanim priests in preparation.

Christians are awaiting the Second Coming of Christ in this generation. Western culture is also beginning to reflect that expectation through books, movies and television programming.

Movies with plot lines involving the end of the world are consistent box office winners; books about Bible prophecy are best-sellers; networks like National Geographic and A&E can't make documentaries about the Bible and the last days fast enough to meet demand.

The Islamic world is so convinced of the soon appearance of their own messiah that they are willing to bring about a global conflagration in order to hasten his appearance.

So we have the world's three largest monotheistic religions all convinced at the same point in history that this is the generation of the messiah. All three are actively making preparations in advance of his appearance.

The Jews expect their messiah to bring global peace. The Muslims expect their messiah to bring global war. Daniel identifies the antichrist as a false messiah who rises to power by means of the promise of peace and then plunges the world into a global war of annihilation against Christians and Jews.

Revelation 6:2 pictures the rider on the white horse as carrying a bow -- but no arrows, symbolic of a peaceful ascent to power, followed by the rider on the rider on the black horse who plunges the world into war.

The details remain fuzzy -- since they are working themselves out in real time -- but the shared expectation is crystal clear. Almost against its will, even the secular world has begun entertaining the notion that the end is near.

What does it all mean? According to the New Testament, there is only one thing preventing global messianic expectations from playing themselves out -- the appearance of the antichrist. And there is but one obstacle to his revelation -- the ministry of the Holy Spirit during the Church Age.

"And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He who now letteth ('restrains') will let ('restrain'), until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming:" (2nd Thessalonians 2:6-8)

Paul says the Holy Spirit 'withholdeth' or restrains the 'mystery of inquiity' until the antichrist's appointed time, when He is 'taken out of the way'.

Since the Holy Spirit is God and God is omnipresent and therefore everywhere, (even 'in hell' says the Psalmist) the Holy Spirit must be 'taken out of the way' in the specific sense of His activity in restraining evil.

The only logical way to understand this is that His indwelling presence in mankind is withdrawn. The Bible also promises that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer and that He will continue to do so until Jesus returns.

So it is not logically possible for this to be accomplished without also 'withdrawing' the Church He indwells at the same instant.

The Bible explains, "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1st Thessalonians 4:16-17)

The Rapture is the next event on God's prophetic calendar. Given all the signs that already point toward the coming Tribulation, that event could take place at any moment.

"Wherefore, comfort one another with these words." (1st Thessalonians 4:18)

For full article:

Personal note: Yes, amen! The Arabs are preparing for a war with Israel very soon. The time is ripe for Gog-Magog. Iran & Syria are already prepared with all their missile systems ready etc. It will be Armageddon for them. Yes, they will be destroyed by God Himself. All the world will know God is God. But could it be the rapture happens at that precise moment of destruction? That the false Christ will make an appearance like Jesus to convince the world he is Christ? Maybe thru UFO? That the fiery conflagration be a false kind of Armageddon? That people without knowledge of bible prophecy will think the end has arrived but actually not so? But seven years later when the true Jesus comes again. That since the rapture happens tog with the appearance of Antichrist, people will think he is Christ? God knows how it will play out. I am so excited so should you. God bless & keep watching! Don't be left behind!

Peace covenant in the Middle East in a few month's time

Covenant of Peace

Abdullah gives peace a few months to hatch

What have King Abdullah II of Jordan, President Bashar Assad of Syria and Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh of the Palestinian Authority all got in common? You guessed it. All believe that a significant development must occur in the Middle East peace process within approximately 3-6 months, or there will be a regional war. Today King Abdullah reiterated his belief that unless something happens soon, the international community will have a major crisis on its hands...

Quote: ""We could possibly imagine going into 2007 and having three civil wars on our hands," he said, citing conflicts in Iraq, Lebanon and the decades-long strife between the Palestinians and Israelis. "Therefore, it is time that we really take a strong step forward as part of the international community and make sure we avert the Middle East from a tremendous crisis that I fear, and I see could possibly happen in 2007," he said.

It is predicted Iran will have completed its nuclear facility by around March 2007. Friends, looks like this is another one of those "prophetic doors" that the international community will have to pass through no matter what they do. If the international community cannot negotiate an agreement by next year, it looks like Israel will be facing a showdown with at least Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinians, and all at the same time.

Joel 3:12-14 Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
Source YNet News


Personal note: Yes, we will be hearing of some permanent peace covenant soon. But I think the Iranians are mad & will try some invasion of Israel cos they won't allow Israel to destroy their nuclear capabilities. Either Israel & US preempt them or they preempt Israel which I think will be the case as prophesied. Yes, friends, the Gog-Magog war gonna happen very soon. Iran has to be stopped & war will happen. I think Israel will be alone in this cos US stretched too thin in Iraq & Afghanistan & elsewhere like North Korea. 2007 is indeed a prophetic year to watch out for. Major crisis in the Middle East in 2007. Iran has nuclear weapons in Mar 2007. Three civil wars in the Middle East. Prepare for the advent of Jesus in the rapture & next will be the Antichrist rising. Watch!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Putin's Russia: better and worse

The mysterious poisoning of an ex-KGB spy has heightened debate over the nation's direction.

By Fred Weir Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor MOSCOW –

Hearing Yevgeny Butovsky and Antonina Vallik describe the state of their nation, one would think they live in two different countries. In fact, they share a home.

"We are eating our future, and we are being too quiet about it," complains Mr. Butovsky, a successful private farm manager increasingly concerned by the autocratic political system built since President Vladimir Putin was elected in 2000.

But for his homemaker wife, Ms. Vallik, those years have yielded a rise in living standards that has enabled her to widen the scope of her passion - taking in homeless pets. "Any regime is OK for me," she says.

They're not the only ones having this discussion. The debate is rising in Russia, and around the world, over what kind of a state Putin has built, whether it's bearable for its population, and if it is safe to invest in, or be friends with. A recent spate of apparently political killings that some have blamed on the Kremlin - the victims include ex-KGB defector Alexander Litvinenko and investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya - imparts urgency to these questions.

Full article at:

Personal note: Although this news article tries to offer a balanced view of Putin & Russia, but why kill people if he has nothing to hide? Why clamp down on human rights, private business, media etc when the govt has nothing to be afraid of & Putin is an honest man? This is but a return to dictatorship & all opposition must be silenced so that the russian elite can continue to enjoy their lives while others languish. There is a hidden deadly undercurrent as in the article. There seems to be 2 Russia to 2 kinds of Russians. But according to bible prophecy, Russia represented by Gog-Magog will head an army to attack Israel. This kind of warlikeness is barbaric in these modern times of peace. Putin is but an evil man. Same for his associates. To kill innocent people who speak out for justice is evil. This evil regime will meet its end in the Gog-Magog war. Then they will realise too late. I pray they repent first before this folly.

The next end-times event

One night, as my wife, Cathe, and I were lying in bed talking, she said, "Isn't it wonderful that one day we could be taken to meet the Lord in the Rapture of the church? Wouldn't it be exciting if it happened in our lifetime? Can you imagine? We would be lying here in bed, maybe talking, maybe sleeping, and all of a sudden, we are right there in the presence of God."

As she described this, being the prankster that I am, I thought it would be funny to secretly slip out of bed. So I quietly crept down on the floor without her knowing. "Wouldn't it be great, Greg?" Cathe continued. "Greg?" She reached over to my side of the bed ... but I wasn't there. "Greg!" she screamed. "GREG!"

Meanwhile, I was lying on the floor convulsed with laughter. But the real Rapture will not be a laughing matter. It could happen at any moment, when we least expect it.

Full article at:

Personal note: Yes, some of my blog visitors have clicked "No rapture gonna happen" in my poll. I was wondering how come. Probably I welcome more comments from people of various rapture doctrines or no rapture. Are you a Christian or atheist? Pls comment more often so that all visitors regardless of timing of the rapture can hear your views. Thanks for comments from Louise etc. I welcome you all to my blog & thanks for your straightforward comments. But I still stick to my belief & that is pre-trib rapture. Maybe I welcome more people to try out the poll at the sidebar. Thanks folks. :)